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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Prostate Cancer

This is the second most common agent of cancer that causes death in men, following lung and bronchial. This is the gland that secretes the seminal fluid, which transports the sperm for dissemination from sperm producing cells. A regular biopsy following observation of lumpiness in the prostate regions can aid in detecting the cancerous tissues in the initial stages itself, and most the times, though the cancer confines themselves to the gland, this can actually turn aggressive and spread massively to other tissues.

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Prostate Cancer

This is the second most common agent of cancer that causes death in men, following lung and bronchial. This is the gland that secretes the seminal fluid, which transports the sperm for dissemination from sperm producing cells. A regular biopsy following observation of lumpiness in the prostate regions can aid in detecting the cancerous tissues in the initial stages itself, and most the times, though the cancer confines themselves to the gland, this can actually turn aggressive and spread massively to other tissues.

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