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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Vaginal Thrush

Vaginal thrush is caused by an infection of the yeast like organism Candida Albicans. Candida occurs naturally in warm moist parts of the body and only becomes a problem when it becomes too prolific. Thrush commonly occurs after a course of antibiotics. These drugs kill off the intestinal bacteria that act to keep Candida Albicans under control.

The symptoms and signs of vaginal thrush include:

dry, red and itchy vulva and
a white discharge.
What you can do to help

About a week after any course of antibiotics take acidophilus to restore the healthy balance of bacteria in the intestines. This will prevent the Candida from proliferating and thus prevent the vaginal thrush.

Take yeast free multivitamin and mineral supplements particularly if you have recurrent vaginal infection.

A zinc supplement at 20 mg per day can help with the healing.

Other things that you can do include:


Wash regularly but use unperfumed soap or bubble baths to reduce irritation to the vagina.
Keep the area clean, so that the organisms don't have suitable growing conditions.
Dry your genital area thoroughly after a shower or bath.
Always wipe from the front to the back after going to the toilet.
Don't use perfumed toilet paper.
Don't douche or use feminine hygiene sprays or tampons (one with live natural yoghurt on it, inserted for an hour or so to sooth is ok).

Wear cotton or other natural fiber undergarments and not clothes made from synthetic fibers.
Avoid tight fitting clothing that will stop the movement of air in the area and will provide an environment that encourages the growth of the organism.
Change straight out of your gym wear.
Avoid sitting in damp swim wear.

Try to avoid sugary, processed and refined foods.
Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and drink plenty of filtered water.
Eat live natural yoghurt or take acidophilus.
Drink unsweetened cranberry juice to help acidify your system.
If you have diabetes, maintain control of blood sugar levels.

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Vaginal Thrush

Vaginal thrush is caused by an infection of the yeast like organism Candida Albicans. Candida occurs naturally in warm moist parts of the body and only becomes a problem when it becomes too prolific. Thrush commonly occurs after a course of antibiotics. These drugs kill off the intestinal bacteria that act to keep Candida Albicans under control.

The symptoms and signs of vaginal thrush include:

dry, red and itchy vulva and
a white discharge.
What you can do to help

About a week after any course of antibiotics take acidophilus to restore the healthy balance of bacteria in the intestines. This will prevent the Candida from proliferating and thus prevent the vaginal thrush.

Take yeast free multivitamin and mineral supplements particularly if you have recurrent vaginal infection.

A zinc supplement at 20 mg per day can help with the healing.

Other things that you can do include:


Wash regularly but use unperfumed soap or bubble baths to reduce irritation to the vagina.
Keep the area clean, so that the organisms don't have suitable growing conditions.
Dry your genital area thoroughly after a shower or bath.
Always wipe from the front to the back after going to the toilet.
Don't use perfumed toilet paper.
Don't douche or use feminine hygiene sprays or tampons (one with live natural yoghurt on it, inserted for an hour or so to sooth is ok).

Wear cotton or other natural fiber undergarments and not clothes made from synthetic fibers.
Avoid tight fitting clothing that will stop the movement of air in the area and will provide an environment that encourages the growth of the organism.
Change straight out of your gym wear.
Avoid sitting in damp swim wear.

Try to avoid sugary, processed and refined foods.
Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and drink plenty of filtered water.
Eat live natural yoghurt or take acidophilus.
Drink unsweetened cranberry juice to help acidify your system.
If you have diabetes, maintain control of blood sugar levels.

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